Thursday, December 29, 2011

Welcome to the circus

Well we're back home and back to the chaotic life that I love.  I'm sorry I haven't updated the blog, but we brought Hannah home last Monday (the 19th) and I hit the ground running.  Where we left off after the last post:

The first few days after her care conference (my last post) Hannah was just hanging out not eating very well, she still had the NG in place and they were talking about sending her home with it since they felt I could manage it.  She accidentally pulled it out on Saturday afternoon and suddenly starting eating fantastic!  She really hates that thing in her nose I guess.  So they sent us home Monday afternoon.  It felt so great to walk out of the hospital with her after a month.  It was snowing and I wonder if she wondered where on earth she was going.

Our very loving and creative friend Anna made this welcome home sign for Hannah! I left it up for three days so all the world (or at least our cul-de-sac) could see our good news!

That night we had a little family dinner with the grandparents to celebrate Hannah coming home and also Abby's belated sixth birthday.  My mom baked a few cakes for me and I tried to make the princess in the dress cake but it is harder than I expected.  It's okay because Abby still loved it and really, cake tastes great even if it's just in a big messy pile on your plate.

I didn't realize Barbie was so tall, you need a lot of cake to make a dress for this lady.

The next few days are somewhat of a blur, I remember laundry and unpacking and doctor's and dentist's appointments and Christmas shopping and preparations all while trying to remember how to be a mother of three again.  Thank goodness for pizza delivery and my mother.  Jeremiah is back to working five 8 hour day shifts so he is home in the evenings for dinner, I couldn't be more thrilled, it's so wonderful to sit down as a family for dinner together.  And he's here for bedtime routines and everything!

Christmas was fantastic.  I was really worried that Hannah might spend her first Christmas in the hospital and it really bothered me.  I'm very sentimental and all I could think of was how that would ruin the magic of Christmas for my other two kids.  I will have to post a whole thing on Christmas.

I decided to finally take Eli's pacifier away the day after Christmas.  Did you know that the day after Christmas Santa comes back to the houses of all the 3 year old boys and girls who still have pacifiers and he takes them back to all the little baby elves at the North Pole, then he leaves the kid an extra present.  Then the kid goes to bed and cries all night long for his pacifier, then he's fine the next day.  I wish we'd done this a few years ago.  Next up, potty training.  Poor Eli, he's kind of the forgotten middle child right now.

Eli's "bubbas" waiting on the front step for Santa to come pick them up.

Eli is really starting to get into "boy" mode.  Light saber and a sword.

As far as Hannah goes, she's still struggling with eating and weight gain.  We are going to see the cardiologist again on Friday morning for a weight check.  If she hasn't gained enough weight then we will end up back in the hospital for the weekend.  Praying that doesn't happen, but I'm packing a bag before the appointment tomorrow morning.  Hannah has been struggling with a little stuffy nose, but she is generally eating better than she did last week at this time.  Also, she has started sucking her two fingers on her right hand, just like her big sister.  Doh!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. haha - the bit about the pacifiers on Dec 26th had my busting up! You're hilarious :)
